Sunday, August 8, 2010


My soul felt void.
Stripped of water and bread to sustain,
I missed my well and grain –
A source of energy that powers the heart
To action,
To feel and breathe again.

I looked for fuel –
For strength that carries, inspires, and lifts,
So highly valued among my gifts.
I sought reprieve to calm my wants
As time,
I hoped, my thoughts would sift.

Desire points me.
Passions drive me.
My appetites, constant, uphold my need,
Near amounts that closely border greed.
Wondering why I want so much
I pause,
Then let my will concede.

I ask in faith,
And not to consume upon my lust,
But to still the raging tempest thrust.
My heart I turn to Him who hears,
…and wait.
His will is always just.

How my soul hungers
To learn control and understand
How to receive from the Master’s hand.
I’ll look to Him to fuel my soul,
And then, one day,
Accept the perfect things He’s planned.

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